For Schools

FAMh: Providing Mental Health Services to Schools

Mental health is a critical issue for schools of all levels. Students who are struggling with their mental health are more likely to miss school, be less engaged in their studies, and make poor decisions. FAMh can help schools provide their employees and students with the mental health services they need to be healthy, productive, and successful.

FAMh offers a variety of mental health services to schools, including:


FAMh providers offer mental health services to your employees and/or students via remote telemedicine technologies. This is a great option for employees who are on the go, can easily fit within their schedule, and/or who have may difficulty getting to an on-site visit. Additionally for students, they can schedule a private session during or after school.


FAMh can provide mental health assessments to your employees and/or students. This can help your employees who may be struggling with their mental health and who would benefit from positive changes to better take control of their health. Additionally for students, this will allow them to focus more on their schoolwork and learn, develop, and excel.


With your employees and students having good mental health, it will allow them to be more focused on doing their work well. Mentally healthy individuals is important for the staff to engage well with the students and for the students to do well in their education.

Contact us.

FAMh is committed to providing schools with the mental health services they need to create a healthy and productive learning environment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your school.

Call or Text (877) 400-0540 |